Midwest Travel,  World Travel

Top Six Tips for Bringing your Dog on the Road

Looking to bring your favorite pup with you on your next road trip? Headed to visit family for the weekend with your pooch?  Along with our love for travel, we share a love for animals and one in particular, our dog Memphis. As a result, he comes along with us for many a vacation or  weekend away. We have compiled our top six tips for bringing your dog along with you for car trips for  a safe and fun experience for you and your pooch on your first or next time on the road.

1. Make Sure They Have Space

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

Ensure your dog has their won spot, preferably on the back seat where they can comfortably lay down and not interfere with your driving. The best case scenario is that your dog will decide to take a nap for much of the trip. If you have the chance to give them some exercise beforehand to increase the likelihood that they will that is even better.

2. Open a Window

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

That stereotype of the dog with it’s head stuck out the window, tongue in the wind exists for a reason. Dogs really do love doing this and giving them the opportunity to do so will keep them occupied and make the car a place they love. Plus, it is just so darn cute.

3. Keep Food and Water Accessible.

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

Just like you, your pup will need a few drinks and snacks along the way. Ensuring you have these items out and ready will make this process a lot easier. Collapsable dog dishes and pre-portioned out meals will also simplify your trip and make stop offs quicker.

4. Take Extra Care at Stop-Offs

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

Speaking of stop offs, they can be risky business. The last thing you want when you make a stop is your pup escaping out of the car and using up precious travel time wrangling them back in. Even worse, this puts your dog at serious risk of being hit by a car.

5. Plan your Pit Stops

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

If possible, plan where you are going to stop for bathroom and food breaks. Some locations are much more conducive to having your dog. It’s the difference between a rest stop with open grassy areas and a gas station parking lot that is crowded and paved.

6. Make the Car Enjoyable

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

The best way to make your car trips stress free for your pooch is to have them associate your car with fun things. If your dog associates a car ride with dog parks and playdates they will be much more keen to go for a ride. The more often you can prepare them with short trips to fun spots the more comfortable you will both be on a longer ride.

six tips for bringing dogs on the road #dortravel #dogsinthecar #dogroadtrip

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